Lynn Richards
“Success- the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” “I have been active my whole life and have been an avid gym person since I was in college. I’ve joined gyms, worked with personal trainers and taken aerobic classes. Last November I felt depleted and unmotivated …..seasonal depression was setting in. I was working out with a trainer and I just didn’t enjoy it anymore, so just like that, after 3 years, I quit. It felt so good to come home right after work and plop down on my couch every night instead of working out. Once summer came I knew it was time to “get back”. Every week I was going to start and I just kept making excuses why I couldn’t start that week. I knew that I needed to find something that was going to make me be held accountable and that’s when I looked into Kelly’s program. Success is different for all of us, for me it wasn’t about losing inches per say, it was about getting stronger and more importantly, making going to the gym a habit again. It sucked at first. I was sore and angry at myself for letting so much time go by. But after the first 2 weeks, I was hooked and began looking forward to getting to the gym after work. Everytime I wanted to go easy or skip a rep/set, I could hear Kelly in my head saying “you are only cheating yourself”….lol. I am now back to loving my gym time and stronger than I was 90 days ago. My next goal is to really try to improve my nutrition. I am a work in progress. Shout out to Kelly for being my guide, my confidant and my friend.”