Payton Wood
Going into this program I was about 4 months postpartum and had made decent enough progress on my own, but was stuck for lack of a better word. So I decided to get tier 1 because I already have decent enough experience in the gym to take the instructions given and get it done. I didn’t really have a specific goal in mind as far as my weight goes or anything like that, I actually have no idea what I weigh. I essentially just wanted a challenge and to change my general body composition. I’ve struggled with anorexia since I was young, and Kelly was absolutely fantastic at helping to remind me of how food is fuel for my body, and the number on the scale means absolutely nothing in terms of my progress. Though it is and will always be a struggle, this program has showed me that my body has strength that I never knew was there. And that it doesn’t deserve to be starved or deprived, but rather fueled and loved. I will say without a doubt the most important thing I have gained from this program is the strength to make my day to day life easier when taking care of my mother. Before this, I couldn’t even get her up or down a ramp in her wheelchair and now I’m doing it with ease multiple times a day. Looking good is cool and all, but feeling stronger and being able to do the things I used to struggle with means the absolute world. And the knowledge I gained through this program will be with me and applied throughout the rest of my life.